Distribution in Idomeni

Distribution in Idomeni

Refugee Phrasebook has recently received a new printing request: A phrasebook with Arabic, English, Farsi, Urdu, Greek and Kurdish for the Idomeni camp in Greece. Our team made a PDF with these languages through Wikibooks and thanks to Raul Walch and other volunteers, 1000 copies of Refugee Phrasebook were printed in Idomeni this week to improve communication in the camp. (more…)

Reviewing 2015

Reviewing 2015

With the holidays approaching, we want to thank you all for your support! Since we started this website, >110.000 phrasebooks have been printed, several apps were developed and new languages added. In the next month, we want to foster distribution and update the existing pdf versions in collaboration with refugees and helpers. Here are some impressions from the efforts so far:  (more…)